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BDA China is an investment advisory & strategy consulting firm, founded in 1994. We provide independent research exclusively for the best-performing hedge funds in the Wall Street and business due diligence service for the most prestigious private equity firms in the world. We also help multinational corporations to facilitate wise investments in high-growth sectors and companies. Our clients’ keeping coming back to us for insights, an unusual phenomenon in this industry, is the best demonstration of the high-quality work and sustainable value we deliver.

Areas where BDA is most active include: internet, consumer goods, retail, education and other fast growing sectors – mostly in China but also in other markets in Northeast and Southeast Asia.

For more information on BDA, please visit
汉寿县| 泸水县| 长武县| 彰化市| 盘山县| 嘉鱼县| 梁平县| 安多县| 青岛市| 乌拉特后旗| 秀山| 巧家县| 正蓝旗| 贡觉县| 象山县| 镇康县| 龙江县| 黄大仙区| 永和县| 灵山县| 遵义县| 客服| 新密市| 连江县| 阳朔县| 大安市| 达尔| 阿荣旗| 仲巴县| 文登市| 长乐市| 于田县| 陕西省| 手游| 五大连池市| 团风县| 东莞市| 新乐市| 昭苏县| 五峰| 长白|