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As May sunshine, Maysun is focusing on production for human being, serving the world with high enthusiasm. Our current product line covers MID, smart phone, special industrial mobile phone, common mobile phone etc. They will bring you with joy, ease and convenience for both work and life.

We supported by group's industry, own a whole mobile phone chain, Including handset component, SMT, handset mould, injection, painting, vacuum plating, keypad, FPC etc, which strength the advantage of enterprise transform in the future, and provides customer competitive solution and service.


As a professional OEM service supplier, We can provide SMT, manufacturing and assembly service on wireless communication terminal for both domestic and overseas companies.

Based on the philosophy of high quality assurance and mutual benefit. partner cooperation has been built up with international renowned enterprises.
年底雙薪 績效獎金 帶薪年假 通訊津貼 午餐補助 定期體檢 旅游 節日禮物 領導好 管理規范 技能培訓 崗位晉升 五險一金 團隊聚餐 外派津貼
岐山县| 福安市| 台北市| 汝州市| 通州区| 桂林市| 襄樊市| 隆回县| 登封市| 长宁区| 林周县| 南安市| 周至县| 许昌市| 会同县| 莎车县| 克山县| 攀枝花市| 大丰市| 钦州市| 志丹县| 静乐县| 庆元县| 卢氏县| 龙泉市| 平乡县| 邯郸市| 连山| 靖边县| 武陟县| 永康市| 祁连县| 屏南县| 凌海市| 凭祥市| 涿鹿县| 康定县| 定远县| 永靖县| 盖州市| 青海省|