Carl Zeiss is a leading international group of companies operating worldwide in the optical and opto-electronic industry. Carl Zeiss AG is headquartered in Oberkochen, Germany. The Carl Zeiss Group consists of six business units that operate with sole responsibility. They are generally ranked first or second in the three strategic markets of biomedical research and medical technology, system solutions for semiconductor, automotive and mechanical engineering industries, and optical consumer goods such as eyeglass lenses, camera lenses and binoculars. With sales organizations in the most important markets around the world, have production plants in Europe, North America, Central America and Asia.
Carl Zeiss Vision International is one of the divisions of Carl Zeiss AG, headquartered in Aalen. As a global leader of the optical industry, Carl Zeiss Vision with a strong presence in all major markets, full product and technology portfolios, and well-known trade and consumer brands.
卡爾蔡司集團(Carl Zeiss AG)是全球視光學和光電子工業領域知名的跨國公司,總部設在德國Oberkochen,擁有6個獨立的事業部,包括顯微鏡、醫學器材、光學眼鏡、光電子設備、半導體以及工業測量儀。集團在生物制藥技術、工業系統解決方案和視光學生活消費品三個領域處于國際領先地位。卡爾蔡司集團的銷售遍及全球30多個國家,在歐洲、美洲和亞洲都設立了制造基地。
- 年終雙薪;
- 按規定為員工購買多種社會保險/為員工購買住房公積金;
- 5天8小時工作制;
- 有薪年假,有薪病假及婚假、產假等多種假期;
- 工作日提供往返市區班車;
- 員工生日活動;
- 部門團隊建設;
- 魅力蔡司/工會組織豐富多彩的業余活動。