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詳細地址:朝陽區三里屯SOHO C座22層

Founded in 2014 and based in Beijing, China, our parent company Ping Xing Shi Kong (Beijing) Technology Co,Ltd. connects Chinese locals with foreigners on its O2O (online to offline) platform. With foreign profiles from all over the world the variety of offered services is endless. The founding team is made up of both foreign and Chinese Nationals with world-class customer service and a growing community of users. The company has a diversified business model with investment coming from Michael Yu, “The Godfather of Education” (Founder of New Oriental NYSE:EDU”). Ping Xing Shi Kong (Beijing) Technology Co,Ltd. fulfills the need of the Chinese clientele to connect with foreigners and their skillsets, as well as to be a bigger part of the ever-increasing globalized world; it is also the easiest way for foreigners to monetize their skillset and showcase their brand in China.
績效獎金 旅游 領導好 扁平管理 崗位晉升 技能培訓 團隊聚餐 國際化團隊
宜州市| 定边县| 申扎县| 炉霍县| 德阳市| 响水县| 资讯| 青海省| 唐河县| 华坪县| 安溪县| 南和县| 西充县| 锡林浩特市| 尚志市| 汾阳市| 乐安县| 天气| 伊金霍洛旗| 凤冈县| 五华县| 渭源县| 宁武县| 辉南县| 连云港市| 湖口县| 那坡县| 东山县| 宁德市| 寿阳县| 天气| 报价| 巴塘县| 兴化市| 平昌县| 巴青县| 绥棱县| 武威市| 吴江市| 南部县| 盱眙县|