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Electrical Engineer 電氣工程師




成都 | 全日制統招本科 | 5年以上

工作地點:成都 所屬部門:Engineering
職位類別:其他 招聘人數:1 人

1、 大學本科及以上學歷,電氣系統、自動化及相關專業。
2、 五年以上從事電氣設計工作經歷,熟悉高低壓配電設計及相關計算,負責過裝置變配電站設計任務。
3、 熟悉電力、化工、機械等相關設計規范和標準。
4、 能勝任方案設計、初步設計、詳細設計,編制本專業設備、材料的訂貨詢價文件及其技術規格書,參加合同技術附件談判,確認技術附件,審查廠家圖紙。
5、 英語水平:讀寫熟練,可以達到面對面交流者優先。
6、 有石油、石化、電力及化工設計院工作背景者優先考慮。
7、 有電氣工程師職稱或相關職業資格證書。

學歷要求:全日制統招本科 工作經驗:5年以上
年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
語言要求:普通話 專業要求:不限
公司性質:外商獨資 公司規模:2000-5000


沃利帕森是在資源與能源領域以及復雜工業領域處于世界領先地位的專業工程公司。目前我們在全世界的43個國家擁有39800名員工和165個分支機構。位列2013年Engineering News Record (ENR) 全球前 200 家國際設計咨詢公司排行榜第1名。




Introduction to WorleyParsons Group
WorleyParsons is a leading provider of professional services to the resources & energy sectors and complex process industries. Currently, we have 39,800 employees in 165 offices and 43 countries around the world. No.1ENR’s Top 200 International Design Firms in 2013.

Introduction to WorleyParsons China
WorleyParsons China is the largest international engineering and construction service provider in China, employing in excess of 2,800 personnel. Our China Headquarters is located in Beijing, with eight other operating offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Nanjing, Chengdu, Shenyang, Lian Yungang, and Hongkong.

Our services include front end engineering design, detailed engineering, asset improvement, procurement and construction management, EPCM and PMC services for all customer sector groups as mentioned above. We are also the largest HVE (High Value Engineering) Centre in WorleyParsons Group, delivering low-cost but high quality professional services to our overseas and Chinese customers that meet international standards.

What’s so special about WorleyParsons?

"We are fortunate that because of our extensive geographic footprint and a strong track record of delivery through every phase of major projects we have been able to build global long term relationships with leaders of the resource sector.

Many staff join because they get to work on the most challenging projects for the biggest companies in the world who are very focused on innovation and value.

The level of collaboration we achieve with our customers is pretty special.

公司總部地址:北京市朝陽區酒仙橋東路9號A1寫字樓6層 100016
傳真:010-5924 5001

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