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ISA International School- Science City, will be a premium international K-12 day and boarding school servicing the diverse needs of families. We will be a school committed to outstanding learning opportunities, delivered in an international learning environment in China. This environment will ensure that access to curriculum and additional programmes is provided to all enrolled students and that these offerings are globally recognised, supporting international mobility. By fusing international and Chinese educational thinking, practices and traditions, ISASC will create a new model of high-quality education which prepares students for life-long learning, and a rich and self-fulfilling future. Our beliefs shape the way we function as a school. We expect all staff to have the following qualities: A clear passion for children and working with them A commitment to a child’s education beyond the classroomProactively integrating cultural diversity in the workplaceTreating all members of our school community with respect, honesty and integrityISA Science City Vision StatementTo be the acknowledged leader of excellence in international education.ISA Science City Mission StatementWe commit to providing outstanding learning opportunities, through an environment of mutual respect, transparency and engagement.A Balanced ISA Education EmphasisesA Holistic Approach: We focus on the ‘whole child’- intellectual, physical, emotional and social development.Lifelong Learning: We focus on student motivation, individual differences, learner-centered approaches, metacognition and student well-being.Global Mindedness and Connections: We focus on learning English, Chinese and Mother-tongue languages, appreciating the values beneath cultures of others.Building of Community: We focus on positive relationships between the school and parents ensuring as close an alignment as possible between the values of parents and the strategic intent and operation of the school.
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