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Li & Fung is the leading consumer goods design, development, sourcing, and logistics company for major retailers and brands around the world.

We specialize in responsibly managing supply chains of high-volume, time-sensitive goods.

We provide sophisticated, one-stop-shop solutions to meet our customers’ specific needs. Our customer relationships, vendor network, and operations as one of the world’s largest consumer product sourcing and distribution platforms, remain unrivaled.

We are committed to achieving the highest standards when meeting the needs of our customers through competitive pricing, quality, and reliable delivery. By leveraging our global network, market knowledge, and advanced technology, we have the capacity and flexibility to rapidly respond to evolving trends in consumer and production markets.

Our business is built upon our people, our time-honored values, our approach to sustainability through the entire supply chain, and our community engagement. Our global network, our financial strength, and our leadership in change are the platform for our continued success and future growth.

Our values

Our values form the basis for our culture, business strategies and brand. Across our business, three core values bring us together and guide what we do.

We are entrepreneurs: Our company was started by two entrepreneurs in Guangzhou in 1906. Fung Pak-liu and Li To-ming joined forces to create and develop a successful business by identifying where the opportunity for sourcing products met customer needs in faraway markets. That same entrepreneurial spirit of agility and simplicity is very much alive today and continues to drive the way we support our customers, suppliers, the industry and communities to grow.

We are humble: Having evolved from a ‘start-up’ to a global supply chain orchestrator, creating value for our customers has been driving our success. Our mission is to provide innovative supply chain and logistics solutions that meet the needs of our customers and add long-term value to their businesses.

We are family: Trust and integrity are the cornerstones of our long-lasting relationships and essential to foster loyalty and teamwork. We care about our people, our customers, vendors and communities and about creating a sustainable future together.

We are a diverse multinational with Asian roots and a proud entrepreneurial heritage. Our people are the source of our strength and expertise and the reason for our success.

For more information, please visit:
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