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HAECO Xiamen was founded in 1993 and opened its first hangar in 1996. HAECO Xiamen is a part of the HAECO Group and counts Boeing, Cathay Pacific, JAL, the Xiamen Aviation Industry Co., Ltd. and Beijing Kailan Aviation Technology Development and Service Co., Ltd. as its other shareholders. HAECO Xiamen offers a complete range of air**** and line maintenance services for Airbus and Boeing aircraft, air**** maintenance, major modifications, cabin modifications and line maintenance. It conducted the world's first 747-400BCF freighter conversion, and remains the sole independent facility licensed by Boeing to carry them out. HAECO Xiamen is also home to the Group's VIP Cabin Completion Centre - Asia's first and only facility approved by both Airbus and Boeing. As a one-stop MRO, HAECO Xiamen operates its own certified parts manufacturing and testing facilities, it also runs a public training and license examination centre, catering to both technical and non-technical training needs.
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