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英國菲賓蘭德建筑設計咨詢有限公司起源于英國倫敦,2008年應重 慶市政府邀請,菲賓蘭德公司登陸中國。 迄今為止我們在全球擁有倫敦、北京、上海和重慶等多個分公司和 辦事處。并且組建了由來自全球的200多名優秀設計師組成的多元化團 隊。登陸中國以來菲賓蘭德在總體規劃、城市設計、教育、大型公建、 商業綜合體建筑、生態建筑、養老建筑、景觀設計、室內設計等領域創 作出一大批具有影響力的作品。同時,菲賓蘭德公司也在國際建設合作 項目中取得了令人矚目的成就。菲賓蘭德是一個充滿創意且設計經驗豐富的建筑設計咨詢有限公司。
FBLD originated in London. In 2008, we were invited by Chongqing Government and officially landed on the Chinese market. We now have over 200 staffs working across office including London, Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing. We offer services in master-planning, urban design, public architecture design, commercial architecture design, sustainable architecture design, elderly care architecture design, interior design and international cooperation. Since coming to China we have designed many influential projects and have expanded into the elderly care sector in both China and the UK, building a professional specialist housing design team over the past six years.
句容市| 启东市| 和平县| 大丰市| 中山市| 綦江县| 荥阳市| 临江市| 鞍山市| 吉隆县| 邵武市| 抚宁县| 北海市| 根河市| 兴业县| 北辰区| 威海市| 牟定县| 鄂托克旗| 平罗县| 如东县| 灌阳县| 前郭尔| 太仓市| 上思县| 深圳市| 普兰县| 历史| 潞城市| 武强县| 朝阳区| 辽宁省| 松原市| 南投市| 镇远县| 翁源县| 平阳县| 福海县| 汝城县| 肥西县| 疏勒县|