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ACCEL (Tianjin) Flight Simulation





ACCEL Flight Simulation, a joint venture between Haite High-Tech and Rockwell Collins, was established in 2016 as a simulation and training center of excellence, which is to research, design, manufacture and market commercial aviation flight simulators. We are an international company with a presence in Tianjin, China. ACCEL training solutions provide industry leading simulators, technical service and support to commercial aircraft platforms.

ACCEL leverages the training expertise and advanced technology from both parent companies to provide world class aviation design, and engineering development for pilot training solutions. ACCEL provides you with the highest level of service and support 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
高科技 航空產業 企業文化贊 管理規范 技能培訓 彈性工作 旅游 子女福利
靖州| 永靖县| 饶阳县| 德州市| 喜德县| 新邵县| 监利县| 无极县| 潮安县| 马鞍山市| 于田县| 抚松县| 格尔木市| 漠河县| 东明县| 万源市| 潍坊市| 砀山县| 三原县| 曲水县| 乌兰浩特市| 新昌县| 莱西市| 黄石市| 驻马店市| 光山县| 淮北市| 大名县| 信宜市| 偃师市| 阿克陶县| 绥宁县| 伊宁县| 万年县| 赞皇县| 册亨县| 安岳县| 兰坪| 江山市| 惠州市| 芦山县|