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詳細地址:舒適刀片 廣州市經濟技術開發區,東基工業區,夏園路三號

Schick (Guangzhou) Company Limited is a member as Wet Shave razor and blade manufacturing center of the US Edgewell Personal Care Group. Now we have around 1000 employees in Guangzhou. With our business expansion and technology upgrade in recent years, the traditional organization model has been replaced by Value Stream based organization. We have pocket plants and suppliers located in Pearl River Delta Area as our business partners for components supply, assembly and packaging, offering us more flexibility in managing our capacity meeting customer needs. Our products supply to consumers worldwide. We focus on long term competitiveness and business growth, leveraging the investment on product development and appropriate automation.
五險一金 帶薪年假 年底雙薪 定期體檢 管理規范 子女福利 免費班車 旅游 節日禮物 績效獎金 技能培訓
满城县| 通榆县| 宾阳县| 广昌县| 淅川县| 安义县| 乌兰浩特市| 旺苍县| 阳新县| 额敏县| 井研县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 白沙| 横峰县| 白水县| 武宁县| 县级市| 甘肃省| 长春市| 阿拉善左旗| 威海市| 古田县| 青岛市| 福安市| 仪征市| 孝感市| 会昌县| 固镇县| 黑山县| 宁晋县| 和静县| 黔西县| 东方市| 洞头县| 沁水县| 离岛区| 武穴市| 额济纳旗| 丹凤县| 浏阳市| 罗城|