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HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations. We serve around 54 million customers through four Global Businesses:
- Commercial Banking
- Retail Banking & Wealth Management
- Global Banking and Markets
- Global Private Banking

Our network covers 75 countries and territories in Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and North Africa, North America and Latin America. With around 6,300 offices worldwide, we aim to be where the growth is, connecting customers to opportunities, enabling businesses to thrive and economies to prosper, and ultimately helping people to fulfil their hopes and realise their ambitions. Listed on the London, Hong Kong, New York, Paris and Bermuda stock exchanges, shares in HSBC Holdings plc are held by about 216,000 shareholders in 131 countries and territories.
宾阳县| 开原市| 汝南县| 阿坝县| 建阳市| 营山县| 安福县| 庆元县| 扶风县| 京山县| 怀远县| 抚远县| 化隆| 阜南县| 遵化市| 得荣县| 吴江市| 宜君县| 河西区| 绵阳市| 通道| 郑州市| 时尚| 阜新市| 临海市| 达日县| 宿州市| 长沙县| 尖扎县| 镇雄县| 娱乐| 西宁市| 塔城市| 家居| 综艺| 万州区| 威海市| 福清市| 阿克陶县| 阳曲县| 申扎县|