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IMS Health





About IMS Health
IMS Health-Intercontinental Marketing Services established in 1954 with a history of over 50 years, is headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut.
The Company traces its beginnings to Fohlich & Dubow, who set up Intercontinental Marketing Systems (IMS) to create a new kind of Information Company that could enable organizations to make informed, strategic decisions about the marketplace. They called their venture Intercontinental Marketing Services (IMS), and they introduced it at an opportune time, when pharmaceutical executives had little data to consult when in the throes of strategic or tactical planning.
Although IMS started its business as a data provider, now IMS globally have successfully transformed from an information vendor to a leading provider of consulting and services to pharmaceutical market intelligence, providing critical information, analysis and services that drive decisions and shape strategies after over 50 years development and rapid expansion.
IMS serves clients about every major pharmaceutical and bio-tech company in the world in more than 100 countries and employs more than 7,400 people worldwide.

About Our Services
Our end-to-end solutions, integrating unparalleled information, analytics, consulting and services, play a central role in supporting high-quality, cost-effective healthcare. Our Services contain two main categories: I&A (Information & Analysis Services) and C&S (Consulting & Services) Services.

- “To enable our clients to help people throughout the world live longer, happier and healthier lives.”

- Commitment to create continuous value for the benefit of our clients
- Excellence that breeds innovation and leadership within every facet of the business
- Integrity and respect for individual performance and collective success

IMS’s areas of professional excellence range from product development and management…to data operations…to consulting and client service. People who have come to us from a wide variety of fields have found a niche for their talent here.
Each employee is free to explore career options based on detailed skills assessments and individual performance plans. With the benefit of professional development counseling, employees can take advantage of development courses, and special growth assignments to prepare for future roles. We believe that all employees should have a long-term plan for their careers at IMS, and it is our job to help them achieve success.
Employees can put their careers on a fast track, taking advantage of a complete toolkit to prepare them for rapid growth and advancement.

IMS maintains a strong performance-based culture where exceptional work is celebrated publicly to both magnify the meaning of the reward and to set an example for others to follow. In particular, we value innovation and applaud risk taking. Each person’s ideas can make a difference and our openness to change keeps us at the forefront of our field. Various programs recognize the excellence of both teams and individuals, including the IMS 100% Club for sales performance and the Summit Award, an annual global award for top contributors.
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