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Human Care produces and provides mobility solutions for people with special needs. Our products strive to serve as a natural part of life for all users. Human Care was founded in 1993 and has since created a proud history within patient care. Our 20 years of experience is reflected in a broad ion of premium products offering high customer value and satisfying every customer need.

Our main product areas are: Mobility Aids, Lifting Solutions, Healthcare Beds, Convertible Chairs, and Bathroom Safety Products for people with reduced mobility.

Our headquarters are located in Stockholm, Sweden with subsidiaries in the USA, Canada, Great Britain and Australia. In addition we collaborate with distributors in more than 20 other countries.

For us safety, quality and usability is paramount. We constantly strive to safeguard and enhance the highest quality in all our products. In every detail, in every aspect our products deliver what they promise.

Welcome to Human Care.
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