職位誘惑:東南亞跨境電商平臺,發展非常迅速,求大牛職位描述:Web開發人員需要具備豐富的Web前端或后端知識, 時刻具備緊迫感,需要快速交付高質量的代碼,不斷創造新的Web產品和優化現有的產品和服務。工作職責:(前端)用ES5/6/7/HTML/CSS結合現代框架來豐富我們web產品的用戶體驗。熟悉敏捷開發,編寫高質量的,整潔簡單,可維護性的代碼;構建可重復使用的代碼以及公共庫;構建新的Web應用,對現有的bug進行快速修復;不斷優化現有的產品,努力提高系統速度,穩定性和可擴展性;不斷提升用戶體驗;根據策劃、產品部門需求,完成需求分析并進行對應的功能設計;根據工作需要,設計并完成各種輔助工具的開發。職位需求:計算機或相關專業的本科及以上;熱愛編碼, 對于創新以及解決具有挑戰性問題充滿激情;(前端)深入了解ES5/6/7、CSS、HTML,至少掌握一種前端開發框架如ReactJS+Redux、EmberJS等,并有一手開發經驗;(高級)如下方面需要有深入的經驗:組建和管理小型開發團隊、技術選型、構架定制、框架開發;(高級)三年以上全職相關開發經驗,有主導過大型項目經驗者;(高級)精通幾種基本的設計模式,精通常用的軟件架構;扎實的數據結構和算法知識;(深圳)要能讀寫英文文檔;優秀的邏輯思維能力;優秀的學習能力;良好的溝通能力、團隊協作精神。工作地址深圳 - 南山區 - 科苑南路中國儲能大廈
Shopee is a leading mobile only B2C/C2C ecommerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan. In our local countries/regions , our business model is similar to Alibaba’s Taobao in China. Local people/company can open an online shop on Shopee mobile App as a local seller, and local consumers can easily buy products from local sellers. We have around 2000 employees in our 7 countries or regions, achieved >1.8Bn USD annualized GMV in the first year of launch, and we have quickly become the #1 shopping app in Taiwan and Indonesia.Our parent company, Garena (www.garena.com), backed by Tencent, is the largest Internet company in South East Asia, with 17 million monthly active users on PC / 11 million on mobile and 3.75 Billion USD valuation. The Chinese internet giant Tencent is a major shareholder of Garena. We have launched our cross border business from China in early 2016, to recruit and manage sellers from China who open their shops on Shopee to sell to Southeast Asia and Taiwan.