Role and responsibilities
1.Principal management & relationships:
-Act as primary contact and manager of regional brands, supported by national brand team.
-Support national marketing team to prepare business review and plan on a regular basis.
2.Marketing planning:
-Initiate business opportunities and growth drivers to further develop brand within its region.
-Conduct regional marketing plans to support sales team achieve regional target.
3.Brand distribution:
-Work with regional sales and trade marketing teams to deliver agreed distribution rate for regional and national brands
-Align with national brand team to make sure targeted channels and distribution points delivered
4.Regional customer joint business plan:
-Work with regional sales team and trade marketing teams to build up joint business plan with key accounts
4.Promotion planning:
-Work with regional sales and trade marketing teams to create promotion calendars for regional and national brands
-Supervise trade marketing teams to deliver promotion plans, in terms of customers and store levels.
5.Advertising and promotion budget management:
- A&P control and report
-A&P recovery from principal within agreed time.
6.Report management:
-Manage regional brand presentation and reports.
-Support national brand regular and ad hoc reporting
7.Sales forecast:
- Manage demand forecast for its region by strictly following the lead time of different brand
- Align sales forecast with sales team within its region before submit to national brand team.
8.Purchase orders:
-Submit purchase order quantity to national team and make sure timely pick up actions
9.Inventory control:
-Fully control regional brand inventory, including normal goods, aging goods, and aged goods.
-Responsible of national brand liquidation in specific region to make sure no out-of-stock, enough inventory, limited aging and aged goods.
Qualifications 所需資歷:
1.Education 學歷:相關專業畢業,大學本科學歷以上
2.Experience 工作經驗:有經營FMCG品牌經驗者優先;合資/外資企業從事相關專業三年以上
3.Others 其他:英文讀寫流利;熟練使用EXCEL,WORD,POWERPOINT等辦公軟件。在品牌戰略管理和品牌規劃方面有很強的操作能力;有較強的溝通/協調及團隊合作能力;對銷售,產品渠道有一定的了解;能適應出差要求。
大昌行集團有限公司(大昌行集團)在香港成立于1949年。是一家專注于消費市場的多元化綜合企業,業務范圍包括汽車及汽車相關業務和食品及消費品業務,覆蓋整個大中華地區,包括香港、澳門、中國內地及臺灣,以至日本、新加坡及緬甸。1992 年成為中信中國股份有限公司(前身: 「中信泰富」)成員。大昌行集團在中信集團龐大規模的支持下蓬勃成長。2007年集團成功在香港聯合交易所主板上市(股份代號: 01828)。
「專業、活力、中國動力」,是大昌行集團的核心理念,它代表著集團一直秉持「顧客至上,服務第一」的宗旨,展現其不斷追求卓越,創新向前,致力與中國經濟一同成長的動力和決心。作為香港一家具規模的上市企業,大昌行集團有著國際化的管理系統,員工能夠在完善的制度和培訓下發展所長,建立理想的個人事業。大昌行集團更是一家重視社會責任的企業,在追求經濟發展的同時,我們亦不忘與員工、社區、地方、合作伙伴分享其自身的發展和成果。關懷員工、 重視人才、支持環保、關愛弱勢社群及積極回饋社會。