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Process Industrialization Engi




上海 | 本科或以上 | 5年以上

工作地點:上海 所屬部門:研發
職位類別:其他 招聘人數:1 人

Validate new processes or process changes brought about by product requirements or the improvement of industrial performance
Enable factories to Master their processes, by anticipating their requirements and giving them the necessary technical assistance
For the Industrialization Referent in a Process Area: Develop the skills of the central and plant employees working in the Area.

Key Qualities Required:
Knowledge in Mechanics and/or general engineering in industry processes.
Good level of English and French languages.
Main general competences required: Initiative, adaptability, communication, team work, curiosity

Engineer or equivalent university graduation, with 5 years experience in methods or industrialization or quality in factory environment.


1. The process is validated and complies with the HQRI approach and the planned timeline. Anticipate and mitigate the risks of not attaining the expected performance levels.
2. The technical standards and specifications are defined and made available. Right the First Time principles are applied (MTP)
3. Client needs: Product Performances, Industrial Performances [SMQDC] are taken into account and included in Specifications.
4. Customer Complaints, Nonconformities and Performance deviations (Product, Industrial) discovered are processed with appropriate level of response. The effectiveness of any corrective actions is demonstrated. The causes are communicated and feed the entity’s progress plan.
5.The process technical expertise is given and contributes long-term to the development of the skills of employees working in the Area.

學歷要求:本科或以上 工作經驗:5年以上
年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
語言要求:普通話 專業要求:不限
公司性質:外商獨資 公司規模:5000-10000

米其林是世界500強企業之一,全球輪胎業的領導者。在全球五大洲設有68間生產工廠,所生產的輪胎行銷全球170多個國家,全球雇員人數約115,755人。自1988年進入中國以來,在中國擁有4家工廠及一個研發中心:米其林沈陽輪胎廠、上海米其林回力輪胎股份有限公司乘用輪胎廠和上海米其林回力輪胎股份有限公司鋼絲廠、米其林沈陽輪胎有限公司上海分公司(上海翻胎廠),米其林輪胎研究開發中心(上海)有限公司。并在北京、上海、廣州、成都、沈陽、西安及香港設有營銷辦事機構。目前, 在中國的員工數目超過5,500人。現由于公司業務的快速發展,特向社會誠聘人員。

湖南省| 双流县| 宁化县| 洛扎县| 高尔夫| 游戏| 伊川县| 福清市| 蛟河市| 石屏县| 穆棱市| 奎屯市| 灵川县| 米泉市| 九江县| 施甸县| 图片| 江阴市| 渑池县| 临夏县| 稷山县| 资兴市| 犍为县| 贡嘎县| 红河县| 得荣县| 开江县| 诸城市| 浦县| 沾化县| 安徽省| 阿尔山市| 鸡泽县| 阜新市| 霍州市| 广西| 合川市| 海林市| 西藏| 赤壁市| 灵寿县|