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某外商獨資汽車配件公司Senior HR Manager




廊坊市 | 本科 | 3-5年

工作地點:廊坊市 所屬部門:中信達獵頭代招
職位類別:人力資源經理 招聘人數:1 人

?Training and development programs for all of the China employees
?Performance review program
?Processing payroll and time & attendance
?Establishing and administration of benefit plans
?Health and safety coordination
?Human resources department staff
?Recruitment and employee retention
?Department objective/budget
?Develop and administer all HR policies and procedures
?Maintain and update personnel records/files
?Maintain daily, weekly, and monthly KPI’s. Evaluate reports, decisions and results of HR department in relation to establish goals
?Manage the safety committee, conduct quarterly meetings, coordinate training and ensure a safe and healthy workplace
?Responsible for recruitment, retention, disciplinary and termination process
?Ensure NA operations adhere to all government laws and TS 16949 certification requirements
?Work directly with department managers to assist them in carrying out their responsibilities on personnel matters
?Familiar with current employment laws-state and local
?Ability to adhere to department budget
?Effectively communicate verbally and written- reports, documents, letters and presentations both in English and Chinese
?Ability to maintain professionalism, confidentiality and fairness in regards to the company and its employees
?Management skills
?Education: bachelor’s degree and five years HR experience, or 10 years experience in the HR field
?High level of interpersonal skills to handle sensitive and confidential situations and documentation
?Excellent communication skill in both English and Chinese
?Travel as appropriate to implement strategic HR initiatives
?Experience in benefit administration

學歷要求:本科 工作經驗:3-5年
年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
語言要求:普通話 專業要求:不限
公司性質:其它 公司規模:20-99人


正镶白旗| 建昌县| 嘉义市| 沾化县| 邹城市| 怀柔区| 前郭尔| 酒泉市| 科技| 肥西县| 苍山县| 东至县| 长海县| 陆良县| 贺州市| 德兴市| 唐海县| 罗山县| 丰原市| 当涂县| 米林县| 收藏| 灵璧县| 平果县| 子洲县| 正镶白旗| 义马市| 广元市| 新野县| 郎溪县| 章丘市| 漳州市| 张家港市| 德安县| 沈丘县| 闵行区| 清徐县| 吕梁市| 洛南县| 赤壁市| 阜康市|