Responsibilities and Main Tasks/主要職責和任務:
?Lead and/or support the complete month end closing process including comments and HFM tasks
?Calculate easy until medium-difficult cost savings (EVA).
?Assist supervisor for the related manufacturing cost analysis, cooperate to find the root cause of the deviation and keep the continuous monitoring of the deviation.
?Initiate the monthly cost center review with related department managers to ensure a proper costing structure, set the target together with the department manager and drive them for continuous improvement.
?Assist superior for the quarterly forecast / mid-term forecast and annual budget.
?Cooperate with related project leader for the project analysis, know-how about the technical; convert it to financial data to check the feasibility and the progress of the related projects.
?Initiate the analysis independently with the tool of SAP/HFM/BW.
?Keep close relationship with the relevant department, such as PPC, OH, LOGISTIC and also get know-how to the other department.
?Other Job assignment from superior.
Required Qualifications and Skill Profile/ 職位所需資格和能力:
?Min. 3 years of relevant working experience. 3年的相關工作經驗
?Possess certain financial analysis ability.擁有一定的財務分析能力
?Eager to learn and will to take challenge and pressure. 渴望學習并且愿意接受挑戰及承擔一定的壓力.
?Work independently. 能夠獨立思考完成任務.
?Computer skills: MS Office, EXCEL. 熟悉EXCEL及MS Office常用的分析手段.
?SAP know-how. 最好熟悉SAP
?Ability to work well in team environment, flexibility.可以在團隊中工作良好,適應團隊
?Good communication skill. 良好的溝通技巧
?Fluent in English, both written and speaking. 流利的英語書寫與口語能力
作為一家迅速發展的跨國企業,奧特斯目前在奧地利本土和亞洲地區共擁有六個生產基地 - 奧地利:利奧本、菲嶺;亞洲:印度南燕古德、韓國安山、中國上海、中國重慶(在建)。
奧特斯在中國已有十余年的發展歷史。奧特斯(中國)有限公司是集團在中國設立的獨資企業,項目于2001 年由兩國最高元首在北京人民大會堂共同簽署,截至目前累計總投資超過7 億美元,是迄今為止奧地利在華最大的投資項目。公司的主要產品為HDI 高端印刷電路板,客戶包括了許多全球領先的移動通訊設備廠商。奧特斯上海工廠現有員工超過4300 人,根據中國印制電路協會統計,奧特斯上海工廠已發展成為全球最大的HDI 高密度印制電路板制造基地。
奧特斯科技(重慶)有限公司是奧特斯集團在中國設立的第二家獨資企業,項目于2011年啟動,工廠分三期建設,一期投資為4.47億美元,預計2016年1月開始量產, 屆時員工人數將達到1600人。奧特斯重慶生產的產品為高端半導體封裝載板,客戶為全球領先的半導體制造商。由于半導體封裝載板的準入門檻極高,工廠建成后奧特斯將憑借極具競爭力的自身優勢躍為全球僅有的三家、中國唯一的新一代高端半導體封裝載板制造商。