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sales engineer 銷售工程師 - 內蒙古 - 包




包頭市 | 本科 | 1-3年

工作地點:包頭市 所屬部門:Sales
職位類別:銷售工程師 招聘人數:1 人
匯報對象: Area Sales Man


The role includes but is not limited to the following duties:
To meet sales target by implementation of sales activities in the assigned region.

Implementation of divisional market strategy.
- Be responsible for road construction equipment sales such as paver, rollers and planner as well, and achieve sales target in the assigned area by individual effort and distributor network.
- To approach new customers and distributors in the assigned area.
- To provide timely and accurate sales and market information to the Managers.
- To organize technical training to key account customers and distributors.
- To develop and enhance good working relationship with customers and distributors in the territory to advance the selling efforts.

Co-ordination with product, aftermarket, logistic and credit team
- To interact with aftermarket team to provide good after sales service to customers.
- To keep relationship with logistic team to ensure machine’s delivery.
- Communication with product team in obtaining product support.
- Responsible for receivables collection in compliance with company credit policy.

Experience requirements
More than 2 years experience in machinery sales, in construction machinery equipment would be a plus.

- Good computer skills including Microsoft skills
- Good English communication & CRM skill would be a plus

Educational requirements
-University degree or above, majored in mechanical engineer or equivalent.

Key competences for the position
-negotiation skills
-able to work under pressure

Personality requirements
- Strong interpersonal and communication skill, good teamwork spirit, self-motive, goal-oriented and energetic.
- Willing to travel

Working location

學歷要求:本科 工作經驗:1-3年
年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
語言要求:普通話 專業要求:不限
公司性質:其它 公司規模:100-499人

戴納派克 是全球最大的壓實攤鋪設備制造商之一,制造廠分布于瑞典、德國、法國、巴西和中國。戴納派克產品的設計及制造基于70年以上的壓實技術經驗。公司自1933年在瑞典斯德哥爾摩成立以來,一直努力向客戶提供最優秀的產品和最經濟的價格,在工程機械行業激烈的競爭中脫穎而出。一向引領技術發展方向的戴納派克,提供集高效、強動力、大工作量以及卓越的操控性和舒適性于一身的全系列、高品質壓實攤鋪設備和輕型壓實及建筑混凝土設備。其產品線包括:壓路機、攤鋪機、路面銑刨機、輕型壓實及混凝土設備。一流的技術支持和產品售后服務是戴納派克向用戶做出的不變承諾。除了設備,戴納派克還向客戶提供全套施工解決方案和專家意見。

戴納派克(中國)壓實攤鋪設備有限公司 作為戴納派克在中國投資的第一家生產廠成立于1999 年,它是一個外商獨資企業并于2001年春季開始投產,產品主要為各種型號的戴納派克壓路機、攤鋪機及輕型壓實設備等產品。如果您想了解更多有關我們的信息,請登陸我們的網站。

平舆县| 孟津县| 纳雍县| 榆社县| 百色市| 潢川县| 义马市| 阜新市| 两当县| 兴宁市| 车险| 石门县| 泽普县| 定陶县| 务川| 金湖县| 北海市| 白朗县| 吉安县| 天峨县| 汉沽区| 盱眙县| 五常市| 南靖县| 泰和县| 海城市| 万荣县| 黄骅市| 克什克腾旗| 天津市| 玛曲县| 封开县| 长海县| 峨眉山市| 中山市| 嘉定区| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 仙桃市| 南宫市| 盐津县| 仙居县|