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北京市 | 本科 | 3-5年

工作地點:北京市 所屬部門:System Intergra
職位類別:軟件工程師 招聘人數:1 人

1. Bachelor degree or above, majored in computer science and automation or related field. More than 5 years Java development experience, solid JAVA programming foundation, good coding habits;
2. Proficient in Java language and J2EE related technology. Proficiently master Struts2, SpringMVC/Spring and Ibatis, Hibernate and other mainstream development framework;
3. Familiar with JAVA design patterns. Has a certain study on spring source code and its principle of realization;
4. Familiar with the use of common Web server (Apache/Tomcat/Nginx);
5. Able to skillfully use MySQL, Oracle and other mainstream database. Experience with data Cache is preferred;
6. Have a good understanding of database optimization;
7. Has a detailed understanding and grasp of Alipay, WeChat payment process. Experience in development of payment function related projects is preferred;
8. Has a certain algorithm foundation, has strong independent ability of problem solving;
9. Work actively, has a strong sense of responsibility and team cooperation;
10. Experience in the development of large-scale Internet product or high concurrency and high load architecture is a plus.

學歷要求:本科 工作經驗:3-5年
年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
語言要求:普通話 專業要求:不限
公司性質:其它 公司規模:500-999人

源訊是全球數字化變革領導者,年收入約120億歐元,在72個國家和地區擁有 100,000名員工。源訊作為歐洲大數據、網絡安全和數字化平臺的領先者,為遍布全球的客戶提供云服務、基礎設施建設及數字化管理、商業及平臺解決方案,并通過歐洲支付和交易服務領導者 Worldline 提供交易服務。憑借尖端科技、數字化專長和行業知識,源訊服務于各行業客戶,包括制造、醫療、傳媒和公用事業部門、公共部門、零售、電信和運輸、國防、金融服務等。源訊是奧運會和殘奧會全球信息技術合作伙伴,并在巴黎歐洲交易所主板上市。源訊旗下的品牌包括Atos、Atos Consulting、Atos Worldgrid、Bull、Canopy、Unify 和 Worldline。

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