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Oversea Sales Senior Manager




無錫市 | 大專 | 1年以下

招聘人數:1 人

Job Contents:

?Analyze the different markets in the region and develop and implement a sales and marketing strategy

?Use its own network and develop a company network in the region to source, ****uate and negotiate distributed and utility scale projects

?Manage key client accounts in the region

?Standardized and negotiate project sales and lease contracts

?Establish partnerships and JV with developers, EPC companies, Real Estate companies or any other company that could bring pipeline of projects.

?Determine and assess need for additional staff and/or consultants and lead hiring process if necessary.

?Set and continually manage project forecasts with team members and other stakeholders.

?Develop and deliver progress reports, proposals, required documentation, and presentations.

Qualifications and Experience:

?BS in Engineering, Business or Economics is required a Master’s degree is preferred

?Minimum 5+ years’ experience on energy/infrastructure business, experience on solar PV or handling Key clients is preferred.

?Excellent oral and written communication skills for English and German language.

?Strong understanding of energy systems, including the proper usage of basic components and conventional installation and interconnection methods.

?Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and a strong ability to explain complex technical topics and systems

學歷要求:大專 工作經驗:1年以下
年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
公司性質:上市公司 公司規模:1000-9999人

弘元綠色能源股份有限公司(股票代碼:603185)成立于 2002 年,是一家擁有光伏全產業鏈的國家級專精特新企業。2022 年弘元綠能營業收入 219.18 億、營業利潤 34.12 億,單晶硅片出貨量位居世界前列,國產碳化硅切片機市場占有率全國第一。作為雙碳目標和能源革命的踐行者,弘元綠能以“讓能源更清潔、讓世界更美好 ”為使命,構建光伏全產業鏈體系,產品涵蓋智能裝備、硅料、單晶硅片、太陽能電池、 光伏組件、新能源電站等,堅持科技創新、綠色引領,致力于推動雙碳目標的早日實現和綠色能源的全面普及。

始兴县| 阳山县| 新龙县| 铜陵市| 博白县| 永兴县| 屏东县| 田东县| 中阳县| 延川县| 杭州市| 东方市| 沭阳县| 南平市| 扎囊县| 夏河县| 喀喇沁旗| 平潭县| 东明县| 华容县| 平度市| 南江县| 丹阳市| 海伦市| 石嘴山市| 康乐县| 防城港市| 宜春市| 股票| 嘉祥县| 柳河县| 镇沅| 嫩江县| 巍山| 新乡市| 通渭县| 江源县| 合山市| 江达县| 荃湾区| 隆德县|