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高中語文教師 Chinese Teachers




深圳市 | 本科 | 1年以下

招聘人數:1 人

OutlineWe adopt a genuine ‘whole-child’ philosophy throughout the school, focusing upon challenging young people through curriculum breadth and depth, with a high degree of active and creative learning, and a wide-ranging co-curricular programme, all supported by the highest quality of pastoral care.All teachers, whether Chinese or international, are expected to contribute to all aspects of a student’s development.We are an international school and broadly follow the CAIE Cambridge Pathway, Primary and Lower Secondary, in the Prep School, to international examinations in the Senior School. However, we are in China and especially as most of our students are of Chinese ****, we are determined to ensure that our students learn Chinese language, culture and history to a high level. In addition, we shall be delivering CAIE Chinese IGCSE and AS/A Level: at IGCSE Chinese as a first language or Chinese as a Foreign Language at AS and A Level, Chinese (A Level only) - 9715, Chinese Language (AS Level) - 8238.The Chinese Teacher (Senior) will be responsible for the IGCSE and A Level work and for ensuring that all students have a wider and deeper Chinese perspective. The Role To lead, teach and help to develop our Chinese curriculum preparing and delivering lessons and activities and ensuring that King’s curriculum requirements are met- ensuring that lessons are of the highest standard and in line with King’s expectations of creativity, collaboration, communication, etc.- managing department expenditure- ensuring that students are prepared thoroughly for examinations and other assessments- monitoring behaviour and ensuring an atmosphere of mutual respect in the classes- monitoring pupil progress- writing reports and meeting parents as required- ensuring that the class attendance registers are accurately and efficiently kept- supervising play and lunch sessions as directed To ensure that the pupils’ welfare (health & safety and wellbeing) are prioritised at all times:- being a member of one of the School’s Houses and supporting that House in arranged activities- to be a pastoral tutor to a group of students- ensuring that the school’s safeguarding policy and procedures are met- communicating with the SLT and parents as required- to carry out weekly boarding duties responsibly and full in line with the School’s expectations and policy To contribute to the School’s co-curricular provision in the form of activities, clubs, etc., such as:- sport- arts- academic enrichment- outdoor pursuits To do other appropriate duties as directed by the School’s Leadership Team, such as:- co-operating with marketing and admissions- attending staff meetings, in-service training, etc.- attending whole school events such as Foundation Day- serving on school committees School Life and Routines All teachers have shared responsibility for smooth daily running of the School as an entity - and for maintaining the general ethos, routine and pedagogy in line with the King’s School’s Aims and Ethos In so doing, they should:- ensure that the School’s rules and policies are maintained- attend School meetings and public events- support co-curricular events and activities Safeguarding, Student Welfare and Pastoral Care All teachers:- must ensure that they are fully aware of policies and practices with regard to safeguarding and student welfare- must ensure that they adhere to the published systems- must be role models to all students at all times- must be prepared to do pastoral, tutorial work as designated by school leadership

學歷要求:本科 工作經驗:1年以下
年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
公司性質:其它 公司規模:20-99人

深圳南山國王學校隸屬深圳市謹思教育管理有限公司旗下知名品牌,英國國王學校始建于公元597年,坐落在英國肯特郡坎特伯雷大教堂區域,是一間集寄宿與走讀于一體的歷史名校。高中部學生年齡為13到18歲,寄宿生占80%。幼兒園及小學部學生年齡為3到13歲,位于周邊的近郊。今年9月,英國國王學校在坎特伯雷新辦的一所國際學院即將開學。坎特伯雷海外分校也即將于2019年9月在中國深圳開學。英國國王學校一直致力為所有學生提供優質的全人教育,不僅培養學生出類拔萃的學術水準,同時為學生提供豐富多彩的課外活動。此外,英國國王學校學生還能享受輔導與關懷的個人支持。學校的音樂和戲劇課程由來已久,因其在藝術上造詣極高,在英國享有盛名。每年舉辦的英國國王學校藝術周,即年度創意藝術表演節,更是吸引了成千上萬游客到訪。深圳國王國際學校將為1,350名學生提供K1至K12的國際化教育。整體課程設計和教學理念將體現英國國王學校特色并兼具中國本土的文化,以中英融合教育培養全球化人才。英國國王學校將協同合作伙伴弘志教育,督導學科建設。深圳分校由英國設計公司W****s & Cohen與深圳恒裕集團聯手傾力打造。幼兒園將于2019年9月正式開學,其余校部將在2022年開學。







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