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Assistant Head of Primary 小學助理




杭州市 | 本科 | 無經驗

招聘人數:1 人

學校簡介:英國惠靈頓公學(Wellington College)于1859年為紀念大不列顛最偉大的軍事家并兩度任英國首相的惠靈頓公爵而建立。2017年1月11日上午,英國惠靈頓公學正式簽約入駐杭州,這是惠靈頓公學在中國繼天津、上海之后開設的第三個分校區。惠靈頓中國杭州校區座落于杭州蕭山科技城的國際教育園,包括杭州市蕭山區惠立學校和杭州外籍人員子女學校。學校有一套完善的幸福關懷體系貫穿各個學段,為學生提供全人教育,致力于培養具備優質綜合才能的惠立學生,使其能適應日新月異的世界并茁壯成長。福利待遇1.全薪中外節假日、寒暑假;雙休,不調休2.免費高檔小區教師公寓,單間loft,校園正對面5分鐘路程3.五險一金,額外的商業醫保;公積金繳納比例12%4. 一名子女免費入學名額(3周歲起)5. 工作日免費午餐,免費員工班車,節假日福利;6.國際化工作環境,扁平化管理;SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIESThe Assistant Head of Primary (Curriculum and Data) will be a non-teaching post but will be expected to model teaching and learning in classrooms. They will teach classes to model good practice, develop relationships, support training and development, ensure ‘quality teaching first’ and secure the smooth running of the school.The Assistant Head of Primary (Curriculum and Data) will be a model professional, setting an excellent example to teaching and support staff. They will work in close partnership with the Head of School in actively and demonstrably promoting enrichment, entitlement and achievement through building and implementing agreed school policies. The Assistant Head of Primary will lead by example of their practice, and by positively encouraging and supporting all members of staff. They will ensure that the school offers a high quality, exciting, engaging, well resourced, differentiated and well matched curriculum for all children. LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT? Have responsibilities in the effective day to day management of the school and school community including recruiting and inducting staff, developing and implementing policies, assemblies and staff meetings, arranging cover for absent staff or staff on training, hosting and organising whole school events such as open days and parents evening, and responding to the views, needs and requests of children, staff, parents, governors and visitors.? Work in the development, implementation and review of school improvement plans including regular monitoring and ****uation of standards and quality of provision supporting school governance by attending meetings where appropriate.? Work with the whole staff to develop a strong learning environment that has at its centre, high expectations of learning, work, performance, academic achievement and behaviour.? Work on the school’s achievement reviews and target setting processes by taking a major role in assessment and actively supporting and securing the school's success in international ****ing tests, internal assessments including those at the end of each key stage.? Support the Head of Primary to ensure that all teaching and learning and assessment policies and protocols are in place and up to date.? Assist in the line management of classroom-based personnel including timetabling and al**** of classes, duties and tasks, managing and developing roles to ensure the provision of high quality interventions and support for children’s progress, achievement, wellbeing and good behaviour.? Work with the leadership team in setting, nurturing, promoting and maintaining a very high standard of behaviour and mutual respect throughout the school ensuring that all staff play an active role in the pursuit of these standards.? Assist in the line management of classroom-based personnel to ensure the provision of high quality interventions and support for children’s progress, achievement, wellbeing and good behaviour. TEACHING AND LEARNING? Determine, organise and implement a diverse, flexible curriculum and implement an effective assessment ****work.? Have an excellent track record of teaching across the primary age range and be able to model this to colleagues, have experience of observing colleagues, giving effective feedback and implementing effective development plans that demonstrate positive impact.? Ensure that learning is at the centre of strategic planning and resource management. Promote models of excellent classroom practice through whole class and group teaching, coaching, mentoring and supported self-****uation for teaching and learning staff.? Support the creation of responsive and effective approaches to teaching and learning and ensure a culture and ethos of challenge and support where all pupils can have a voice, achieve success and become highly engaged in their own learning and be enabled to actively support the learning of others.? Design, develop and implement systems for the collection of useful, timely, and accurate assessment data to track the progress of individual and groups of children in order to inform planning, ****uate performance, track progress and secure raised achievement across KS2. This will include agreeing and articulating high expectations and setting stretching targets for the whole community.? Ensure the effectiveness of teaching and learning including teachers’ planning, monitoring planning, work sampling and scrutiny, lesson observations, supporting auditing and reporting outcomes, successful or otherwise and planning next steps and future ****s.? Take a strategic role in the development of new and emerging technologies to enhance and extend the learning experience of pupils.STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY? Promote and model good relationships with parents, which are based on partnerships to support and improve pupils’ learning and achievement.? Contribute to the development of the school as a community within the community strengthening partnerships with families, our local and wider community and other schools.? Contribute to the development of the school by promoting innovation.? Contribute to policies and practices which promote child protection and safeguarding. OTHER DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES? Any other duties that the Head of Primary may from time to time ask the post-holder to perform.? To support and promote the school’s ethos, aims and core values in order to promote the welfare, progress and continued development of the school and its children.

學歷要求:本科 工作經驗:無經驗
年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
公司性質:其它 公司規模:100-499人

杭州惠立學校坐落于杭州市蕭山區科技城,是惠靈頓中國集團旗下的雙語學校,包括惠立學校及惠立幼兒園。杭州校區成立于2018年,致力于在浙江省課程大綱基礎上,融合惠靈頓價值觀與特質,為2到18歲學生提供一流品質的雙語教育。實現惠立獨特的教育理念,充分激發學生的求知欲及對學習的熱忱。惠立學校將讓高品質的教育惠及家庭,以“愛”為源,以“德”為本,為社會培養符合時代需求的、秉承優良傳統價值觀并具有五大惠立特質的軟技能人才。 惠靈頓外籍子女學校杭州校區與杭州惠立學校共同建立于2018年,為從2至18歲的外籍子女提供優質的國際化教學。兩所學校共享同一校區。 更多信息請參見學校官網:惠立學校惠立幼兒園惠靈頓







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