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Lab Technician-SAT




蘇州市 | 碩士 | 無經驗

招聘人數:1 人

Roles & Responsibilities:1.?? ?Provide instrumental technical support and teaching assistance in some lab modules, and support students in their teaching and research activities in the laboratory.2.?? ?Manage school chemistry-related laboratories, including daily administrative work, and coordinate to resolve issues related to laboratory environments and facilities.3.?? ?Be responsible for the management of all equipment in chemistry-related laboratories, including conducting routine inspections of equipment operation status, ensuring that equipment is in good working condition, and ****ly identifying and addressing malfunctions.4.?? ?Provide technical support for the basic operation, daily maintenance, and troubleshooting of equipment to users of clean rooms, and organize regular equipment-related training sessions.5.?? ?Analyze equipment operation data, identify potential problems, propose and implement improvement measures to enhance equipment efficiency and reliability, and optimize equipment management processes.6.?? ?Fulfill the responsibilities of a member of school laboratory health and safety committee.7.?? ?Support the ****ion and purchase of consumables or equipment for school laboratories.8.?? ?Support fixed asset management.9.?? ?Conduct daily monitoring and maintenance of equipment status/information within the LIMS (Laboratory Instrument Management System).10.?? ?Support the information statistics and documentation management of the equipment, including the creation and maintenance of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for equipment.11.?? ?Perform other duties defined by the school technical manager commensurate with the job grade and position, including supporting other colleagues in the school as required, such as during peak work periods, holidays, sick leave, etc.1.?? ?在部分實驗室課程中提供儀器技術支持和教學協助,并支持學生在實驗室的教學科研活動。2.?? ?管理學院涉化類實驗室,包括實驗室的日常管理工作,協調解決實驗室環境、設施方面的問題。3.?? ?負責涉化實驗室內所有設備的管理工作,包括日常巡檢設備運行狀態,確保設備處于良好工作狀態,及時發現并處理故障。4.?? ?為潔凈間使用人員提供設備基礎操作、日常維護和故障處理的技術支持,定期組織設備相關培訓。5.?? ?分析設備運行數據,識別潛在問題,提出并實施改進措施,提高設備效率和可靠性,優化設備管理流程。6.?? ?履行實驗室健康與安全團隊成員職責。7.?? ?支持選購學院實驗室耗材或設備。8.?? ?支持固定資產管理。9.?? ?LIMS系統內設備狀態/信息的日常監管與維護。10.?? ?支持所負責設備的信息統計與文檔管理工作, 包括設備SOP的制作與維護等。11.?? ?其他學校技術經理所定義的與職系和職位相稱的職責,包括在需要時支持學校其他同事,如在工作高峰期、節假日、病假等。 Qualifications:1.?? ?Master degree in electronics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, automation, or related fields.2.?? ?Bachelor degree in electronics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, automation, or related fields, and possess additional qualifications or relevant work experience.3.?? ?Priority will be given to candidates who are familiar with the operating principles, standard operating procedures, and safety regulations of clean rooms, as well as the performance characteristics, operation methods, and maintenance processes of various equipment within clean rooms, and are able to independently perform routine inspections, fault diagnosis, and simple repairs of the equipment. 4.?? ?Possess certain equipment maintenance and management capabilities experience in the maintenance and daily management of equipment related to grinding/cleaning/etching/coating processes is a plus.5.?? ?Possess basic safety management capabilities, including familiarity with the safety management system and operating procedures of clean rooms, the ability to identify potential safety hazards and take effective preventive measures, as well as possess certain emergency response capabilities, being able to respond quickly and properly in emergency situations.6.?? ?Have good teamwork and interpersonal communication skills.7.?? ?Have good English writing skills.8.?? ?Be reliable in work and able to complete tasks on time with quality.9.?? ?Be independent and proactive in completing work tasks.1.?? ?在電子電氣、機械、自動化等相關領域取得碩士學位。2.?? ?在電子電氣機械、自動化等相關領域取得本科學位并具有其他資格證明或相關工作經驗。3.?? ?熟悉潔凈間的運行原理、標準操作流程及安全規范, 熟悉潔凈間內各類設備的性能特點、操作方法和維護流程,能夠獨立完成設備的日常巡檢、故障排查和簡單維修工作的優先考慮。4.?? ?具備一定的設備維護及管理能力;熟悉研磨/清洗/刻蝕/鍍膜工藝相關設備的維護及日常管理經驗者優先。5.?? ?具備基本的安全管理能力,包括能夠熟悉潔凈間的安全管理制度和操作規程,識別潛在的安全隱患并采取有效的預防措施,擁有一定的應急處理能力,能在突發情況下迅速響應并妥善處理。6.?? ?良好的團隊合作和人際溝通能力。7.?? ?具備良好的英文書寫能力。8.?? ?工作可靠,按時保質完成工作。9.?? ?獨立自主,積極主動的完成工作任務。

學歷要求:碩士 工作經驗:無經驗
年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
公司性質:其它 公司規模:1000-9999人

西交利物浦大學(XJTLU,簡稱“西浦”) 是經中國教育部批準,由西安交通大學和英國利物浦大學合作創立的,具有獨立法人資格和鮮明特色的新型國際大學。她是中國目前理工管起步,強強合作,擁有中華人民共和國學士學位和英國利物浦大學學位授予權的中外合作大學。 西交利物浦大學面向海內外招收本科生、研究生,目前已有包括43個本科專業、44個碩士專業(含非全日制)和16個博士專業在內的103個學位項目,形成了涵蓋理學、工學、管理學、經濟學、建筑、城市規劃與設計、人文社科、影視等的學科體系。大學課程除公共基礎課外均采用全英文授課。本科畢業生同時獲得中國教育部認可的西交利物浦大學本科畢業證書、學士學位證書和國際認可的利物浦大學學士學位證書。研究生可獲得中國教育部認可的利物浦大學學位。西浦所有學術院系均設有博士專業,對研究生教育的持續投入和重視是西浦實現其“研究導向、獨具特色、世界認可的中國大學和中國土地上的國際大學”愿景的必由之路。







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