Roles & Responsibilities:1.?? ?Take responsibility for the photography and media studio and be the custodian of all related equipment within it. 2.?? ?Able to troubleshoot technical issues and assist staff in related technical matters 3.?? ?Ensure all staff and students follow health and safety procedures during use of equipment.4.?? ?Ensure all equipment securely stored when not in use, well-maintained and inventory listings updated.5.?? ?Undertake procurement and repair of equipment, and replacement of consumables (including sourcing and obtaining quotes and liaising with contractors and external vendors).6.?? ?Take charge of any booking and use of the photography and media studio.7.?? ?Ensure that the studio is hygienic, well-maintained, and secured at all times.8.?? ?Expected to work staggered work hours when required.9.?? ?Other duties commensurate with the grade and position as defined by the School technical Manager including support to other colleagues in the University when required, such as during times of peak workflow, holidays, sickness, etc.1.?? ?負責攝影和媒體工作室,并保管其中所有相關設備。2.?? ?能夠解決技術問題,協助老師或學生處理相關技術事宜。3.?? ?確保所有員工和學生在使用設備時遵守健康和安全程序。4.?? ?確保所有設備在不使用時的安全存放,及時維護保養并更新庫存清單。5.?? ?負責設備的采購和維修,以及耗材的更換。6.?? ?負責攝影和媒體工作室的預定和使用。7.?? ?確保工作室的安全衛生,并且一直處于維護良好的狀態。8.?? ?若遇排課等原因愿意錯開正常的工作時間。9.?? ?其他學校技術經理所定義的與職系和職位相稱的職責,包括在需要時支持學校其他同事,如在工作高峰期、節假日、病假等。Qualifications:1.?? ?Diploma or Bachelor degree in arts or media or communications 2.?? ?Be skilled in photography and related technical matters 3.?? ?Good time management & interpersonal skill4.?? ?A solid team p**** and strong sense of ownership 5.?? ?Ability to communicate in English and Chinese. 1.?? ?藝術、媒體或傳播專業文憑或學士學位2.?? ?精通攝影及相關技術事宜3.?? ?良好的時間管理和人際交往能力4.?? ?良好的團隊合作精神和強烈的主人翁意識5.?? ?能夠中英雙語交流
西交利物浦大學(XJTLU,簡稱“西浦”) 是經中國教育部批準,由西安交通大學和英國利物浦大學合作創立的,具有獨立法人資格和鮮明特色的新型國際大學。她是中國目前理工管起步,強強合作,擁有中華人民共和國學士學位和英國利物浦大學學位授予權的中外合作大學。 西交利物浦大學面向海內外招收本科生、研究生,目前已有包括43個本科專業、44個碩士專業(含非全日制)和16個博士專業在內的103個學位項目,形成了涵蓋理學、工學、管理學、經濟學、建筑、城市規劃與設計、人文社科、影視等的學科體系。大學課程除公共基礎課外均采用全英文授課。本科畢業生同時獲得中國教育部認可的西交利物浦大學本科畢業證書、學士學位證書和國際認可的利物浦大學學士學位證書。研究生可獲得中國教育部認可的利物浦大學學位。西浦所有學術院系均設有博士專業,對研究生教育的持續投入和重視是西浦實現其“研究導向、獨具特色、世界認可的中國大學和中國土地上的國際大學”愿景的必由之路。