Roles & Responsibilities:1)負責已建校園空調,設備方面的運行和維護管理工作,包括但不僅限于空調系統,給排水系統,特種設備等相關系統設施; Responsible for the operation, maintenance and management of air conditioning equipment of campus buildings, including but not limited to air conditioning system, water supply and drainage system, special equipment and other related systems and facilities 2)負責已建樓宇和設施的改建、擴建和二次改造項目管理工作; Responsible for the management of reconstruction, expansion and secondary decoration projects of existing buildings and facilities3) 負責校園運營過程中涉及空調及設備等相關專業的方案評估和技術審核,包括但限于空調方案評估,設備安裝評估等 Responsible for scheme ****uation and technical review of air conditioning and equipment related disciplines in the process of campus operation, including but limited to air conditioning scheme ****uation, equipment installation ****uation, and so on 4) 對內與本部門的各專業工程師緊密協作與溝通;與學校各需求部門協調,制定相關工作的計劃,協調并落實完成; Cooperate and communicate closely with engineers within the team coordinate academic departments and professional services units across the University, formulate relevant work plans and implement them5) 對外管理外部供應商,物業工程部門,以及其他相關部門的協調工作 Manage external suppliers, the engineering department of the property management company and other relevant units6) 獨立負責相關項目的質量,進度,安全和成本的控制,管理和驗收; Independently responsible for quality, schedule, safety and cost control, management and final inspection for relevant projects7) 設備暖通相關專業系統突發事件的應急處理與事故報告; Handle emergency and accident report of Equipment HVAC emergencies 8) 制定, 整理, 保管相關的書面資料 Formulate, consolidate and manage relevant written materials and documents 9) 完成領導交辦的其它工作。 Complete other tasks assigned by the line manager. Qualifications:1) 給排水工程,機電一體化,電氣自動化工程相關專業全日制本科或以上學歷; A bachelor’s degree or above in Water Supply and Drainage Engineering, Mechatronics, Electrical Automation Engineering or related majors. 2)10年以上專業工作經驗和扎實的專業知識,其中至少5年從事大型樓宇或建筑運行和維護的工作經驗;能預見、發現、解決各類暖通,設備等專業運營中的問題;具有實際動手和解決問題的能力; 10 years of working experiences and solid professional knowledge, among which at least 5 years of working experiences in operation and maintenance of large buildings or facilities Able to foresee, identify and solve problems in various civil engineering and decoration projects Have practical and problem-solving skills3) 熟悉暖通及設備相關專業施工工藝,施工標準,工藝流程。熟悉運行、維護等相關技術規范、驗收標準;能獨立負責現場運行和維護管理; Familiar with construction specifications, adjustment process, testing and inspection standards related to HVAC. Familiar with relevant technical specifications and acceptance standards such as operation and maintenance Able to be independently responsible for on-site operation and maintenance management 4) 具備高效溝通能力、應變能力及承擔工作壓力; Efficient communication skills, adaptability and be able to work under pressure 5) 敬業,公正,廉潔,誠信; Personal qualities including dedication, equity, integrity and honesty6)良好的書面寫作和表達,文檔組織和管理能力;熟練使用CAD等工程及Office辦公軟件; Good writing skills, document organization and management skills Familiar with CAD and other engineering and office software 7)有大學、設計院、外企工作經驗者優先考慮。 Working experiences in higher education institution, architect institute and foreign enterprise is preferred.
西交利物浦大學(XJTLU,簡稱“西浦”) 是經中國教育部批準,由西安交通大學和英國利物浦大學合作創立的,具有獨立法人資格和鮮明特色的新型國際大學。她是中國目前理工管起步,強強合作,擁有中華人民共和國學士學位和英國利物浦大學學位授予權的中外合作大學。 西交利物浦大學面向海內外招收本科生、研究生,目前已有包括43個本科專業、44個碩士專業(含非全日制)和16個博士專業在內的103個學位項目,形成了涵蓋理學、工學、管理學、經濟學、建筑、城市規劃與設計、人文社科、影視等的學科體系。大學課程除公共基礎課外均采用全英文授課。本科畢業生同時獲得中國教育部認可的西交利物浦大學本科畢業證書、學士學位證書和國際認可的利物浦大學學士學位證書。研究生可獲得中國教育部認可的利物浦大學學位。西浦所有學術院系均設有博士專業,對研究生教育的持續投入和重視是西浦實現其“研究導向、獨具特色、世界認可的中國大學和中國土地上的國際大學”愿景的必由之路。