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理工科技學院--助理導師 (可持續能源技術與管理)




珠海市 | 本科 | 無經驗

招聘人數:1 人

Job De****ion1. Assist teaching faculty in preparing teaching, tutorial, assignment materials and marking assignments2. Maintain, manage and operate online teaching & learning management platform for various courses3. Give assistance and preparation of laboratory courses such as but not limited to the follow fields: Energy Science, Renewable Energy, Green Technology lab, Carbon Technology and Management, and Physics etc.4. Give daily maintenance, safety and logistics management of laboratories 5. Participate in academic activities such as research project, field study, and teaching support works occasionally6. May need to work in laboratory, outdoor, irregular hours, and/or weekends.7. Undertake other administrative support assigned by Supervisor.Job Requirement1. Candidates should be strong and interested in the following areas: Energy Science and Engineering, Physics or Environmental Science. 2. Candidates should have a relevant in bachelor’s degree with good academic performance. The candidate with master’s degree is an advantage.3. Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese able to effectively communication with non-Chinese speaking foreign teachers and students is an advantage4. Proficient IT literacy and computer skill (e.g., Microsoft Office, SPSS, or other software in Engineering and Energy Science). Familiar with Python, or any other modelling software is an advantage5. Ability to work well under pressure with multiple tasks.

學歷要求:本科 工作經驗:無經驗
年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
公司性質:其它 公司規模:500-999人

北京師范大學-香港浸會大學聯合國際學院(中文簡稱“北師港浸大”,英文簡稱“UIC”)由北京師范大學和香港浸會大學于廣東省珠海市攜手創立,獲得國家教育部特批。 北師港浸大獲國家教育部、廣東省教育廳、珠海市政府及各界大力支持,全體師生在前全國人大常委會副委員長暨校董會主席許嘉璐教授的領導下,秉承全人教育辦學理念,創新地推行博雅教育、四維教育及國際化辦學模式。 自2005年成立至今,北師港浸大已發展成為一所擁有獨特教育理念的國際化大學,設有工商管理學部、文化與創意學部、人文與社會科學學部及理工科技學部四個學部,下設二十三個專業方向。北師港浸大擁有一支來自30多個國家和地區的優秀師資隊伍,實施全英文教學,本科畢業生學成后獲頒北師港浸大畢業證書和香港浸會大學學士學位,在國內、香港及國際范圍均獲認可。2016-2017學年,北師港浸大獲教育部批準開展研究生教育。2017年,北師港浸大建立研究生院,開設研究型碩士、博士專業課程及授課型碩士專業課程,畢業生獲頒香港浸會大學學位證書。

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