高級機械工程師六西格瑪黑帶 | 通用電氣華倫醫療設備有限公司
1. Leading to explore multiple design options for the mechanical component and assembly detail design with 3D CAD models
2. Developing mechanical designs to meet all requirements for performance, reliability, cost and manufacturability
3. Developing engineering design concepts for components and electromechanical assemblies that have requirements for size, precision, reliability and cost
4. Leading quality engineering projects that provide solutions to engineering and customer issues
5. Developing and maintaining mechanical subsystem quality as well as the quality of integration of these design into the complete system with following GE Healthcare quality procedure
6. Validating product sub-system reliability performance
7. Conducting analysis of installed base and new product reliability using FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis), DFR (Design for reliability) tools