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詳細地址:Beijing city Chaoyang District East Third Ring Road No. 2 B Hainan Airlines 16 storey building

Travel Your Dreams. Brighten Your Future.
—2016 HNA Tourism Group International Talent Spring Recruitment Brochure

Native English and International Student Recruitment

HNA Tourism Group, formerly known as HNA Tourism Holding (Group) Co., Ltd., was established in early 2007. Operating in the fields of aviation, hotels, tourism, finance and IT services. HNA Tourism has created one of the most extensive and advanced tourism industry chains in the region.

With brands like Capital Airlines, Deer Jet, Caissa Touristic, Tangla Hotels and 20 other subsidiaries, HNA Tourism has captured the trust and love of travelers around the world.

Today, HNA Tourism’s service network covers Asia, Europe and North America, sharing its unique travel experience with over 1.6 million travelers a year. Both internationally and online, our outlets expand to enterprises in Europe, USA and other continents and territories including NH Hotel Group, Sode Hotel, Hong Kong Jet, Hawk Pacific etc.
鹿邑县| 云浮市| 通州市| 潮安县| 华亭县| 安多县| 芦溪县| 搜索| 松潘县| 鄂托克前旗| 巴塘县| 六安市| 建始县| 永胜县| 寻甸| 武义县| 河源市| 板桥市| 德州市| 盐亭县| 桑植县| 惠来县| 淮北市| 辽源市| 澳门| 黄龙县| 廉江市| 泰和县| 肥乡县| 太白县| 衡阳市| 闻喜县| 札达县| 平阴县| 鹤庆县| 呼伦贝尔市| 昆山市| 青州市| 新绛县| 宁德市| 枝江市|